Attributes of Legal person
- Company tax rate ? (CompanyTaxRate )
- Date of foundation ? (FoundationDate )
- Dissolution date ? (DissolutionDate )
- File number ? (FileIdentifier )
- Legal status ? (DomesticLegalStatusCode : PersonLegalStatusType )
- Legal status - abbreviated ? (DomesticLegalStatusShortenedCode : PersonLegalStatusShortType )
- Legal status (abroad) ? (ForeignLegalStatusCode : PersonLegalStatusAbroadType )
- Number of employees ? (WhiteCollarEmployeesCount )
- Number of workers ? (WorkersCount )
- Official name ? (LegalPersonName )
- Percentage subjected to VAT ? (SubjectToVATPercentage )
- Social security organization ? (SocialSecurityOrganizationTypeCode : SocialSecurityOrganizationType )
- Subjected to VAT ? (VATStatusCode : PersonVatSubjectedType )
- Total salary (employees) ? (WhiteCollarEmployeesSalaryTotalAmount )
- Total salary (workers) ? (WorkersSalaryTotalAmount )
- VAT number ? (VATRegistrationIdentifier )

Legal person associates to :
- Head Office (HeadOfficeAddress ) -jump